Felix Lugo,MSM
Public/Private Education | Management |Boarding Schools | Middle & High School |University | Development | Marketing | For-Profit/Non-Profit
"Create an enviroment that simplifies your organization while still maintaining a high level of productivity from you and your employees."

Possess 15+ years’ experience in international public and private high school - university education, management, retail, financial management, and staff development. Highlights: Regularly recruit, train, supervise & develop staff; create innovative programs while streamlining processes, cutting costs. Thrive in fast-paced environments: always hit the ground running, take minimal time to acclimate & perform. Dedicated to continual improvement. . MS, Management, Warner University.
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“Throughout the time I have gotten to know and work with Felix I found him to be a person who is genuine and is never afraid to take upon challenges."
-Alexander, Director of Residential Life
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it." --Steve Jobs
If you need help starting or improving your organization/employees.
Please contact me:
914-563-3653 LugoFelix@Gmail.com